stop the stigma

End the Stigma

Stigma of Addiction

You see it all the time. Someone, whether a local community member or a public figure, gets publicly outed for having a Substance Use Disorder or Alcohol problem. Another celebrity enters a rehab. Social media comments drip with disdain. “I figured they were an alcoholic”, “Druggies should be locked up”, “Just another useless addict”, and more phrases like this fill comment boxes. Addiction stigma is not only real, it contributes to the problem–people often hide their addictions, their struggles when they need help the most for fear of judgement.

It’s no wonder people feel guilt, shame, anger, frustration, and hopelessness when they find themselves in the throes of addiction. They know that going public with their struggle will undoubtedly provide fodder for acquaintances to discuss. They often fear their loved ones, even those who are supportive, may cringe away from the spreading stain of addiction issues. They often feel like they have let everyone down, including themselves.

Understanding Addiction

With little understanding of how addictions are created, it’s easy to look down on those who have “fallen”. It’s tough to consider yourself in the same predicament unless it actually happens to you. It’s even tougher to admit that you might have habits and addictions that are just as unhealthy for you as alcohol or drugs are for another person–but yours seem to slide under the radar because things like workaholism, extreme perfectionism, engaging in retail therapy to cope with emotional turmoil, and sometimes even addiction to exercise are all “socially acceptable”…sometimes even lauded as dedication or excellence. It’s a hard truth to hear, but the same misunderstanding of how your psychological process works is the man-behind-the-curtain no matter what habits are actually manifested in your life.

Understanding True Mental Health

Many years of research have shown that truly understanding how good mental health is created and supported virtually eliminates the need for any escape–whether it be shopping, gambling, drugs, or alcohol. It is why there is no stigma at Centered Recovery for our clients–no shame, no guilt, no feeling of being broken. Our clients know that a simple misunderstanding led them down a path where alcohol and drugs were the solution to escaping their suffering, although the solution was itself unhealthy and dangerous. Once they see how and why suffering happens, they are able to move through it without the need to escape–and thus, sobriety becomes a natural byproduct of good mental health.

Recovery for All

Clients remark all the time, “I wish I had known this when I was a teenager!”, and “I wish my spouse could understand this and they don’t have a drug problem!” In fact, we often have spouses, parents, and even children of our clients who later join our Mindfulness Based Educational Program in order to learn what they’ve seen with their own eyes helps unlock joy, peace, and true freedom for our clients in every aspect of their lives. That’s a bold claim to make, but it is absolutely true. Mere sobriety simply isn’t a big enough goal for the clients of Centered Recovery, when liberation from suffering, anxiety, depression, and limiting beliefs around relationships and work are possible if you’re open to it!

If you’re interested in the claims we make about recovery and healthy living, check out our Google Reviews or our Client Testimonials–real stories from real clients, who just want to live their best lives: healthy, happy, and centered. Call 800.556.2966 for more information.