What to Ask Substance Use Interventionist

Questions to Ask a Substance Use Interventionist

Questions to Ask a Substance Use Interventionist

When dealing with substance abuse, seeking professional help is often crucial to ensure the best chances of recovery. One valuable resource available to individuals and families is a substance use interventionist. These specialists are trained to guide the intervention process, facilitate effective communication, and help the individual struggling with addiction find their path to recovery. If you are considering hiring a substance use interventionist, it’s important to ask the right questions to ensure you find the best fit for your needs. In this blog post, we will explore some essential questions to ask a substance use interventionist before deciding.

“What is your experience and training in substance use interventions?”

  • Understanding an interventionist’s background and experience is crucial.
  • Inquire about their professional training, certifications, and the number of interventions they have conducted.
  • A seasoned interventionist should have extensive knowledge of addiction, the intervention process, and different treatment options.

“What approach do you follow during the intervention process?”

  • Interventionists may employ various methodologies, such as the Johnson Model, Systemic Model, or Invitational Model.
  • It’s essential to understand their approach and how it aligns with your expectations and the needs of your loved one.
  • Ask about their strategies for creating a safe and supportive environment during the intervention.

“Can you provide references from past clients or families?”

  • Asking for references can give you valuable insights into the interventionist’s effectiveness and success rate.
  • Speaking with previous clients or their families can provide you with a better understanding of their experiences and outcomes.
  • It’s an opportunity to hear firsthand how the interventionist’s guidance made a positive impact.

“How do you handle resistance during an intervention?”

  • Resistance from the individual struggling with addiction is common during interventions.
  • Inquire about the interventionist’s approach to dealing with resistance and their strategies for keeping the intervention on track.
  • Understanding how they navigate these challenging situations will give you confidence in their ability to handle difficult scenarios.

“What ongoing support do you provide after the intervention?”

  • Recovery is a lifelong journey, and post-intervention support is crucial for long-term success.
  • Ask about the interventionist’s follow-up procedures, such as aftercare plans, family support, or referrals to appropriate treatment programs.
  • Ensuring ongoing support is available can significantly increase the chances of sustained recovery.

“How do you involve the family in the intervention process?”

  • Family involvement and support are essential components of an intervention.
  • Inquire about how the interventionist incorporates family members during the planning, execution, and post-intervention stages.
  • A skilled interventionist should provide guidance, education, and resources to help families understand their role in the recovery process.

“What are the potential outcomes of the intervention?”

  • While the primary goal of an intervention is to motivate the individual struggling with addiction to seek treatment, the outcomes can vary.
  • Ask the interventionist about the range of potential responses, from immediate acceptance to initial resistance.
  • Understanding these possibilities will help manage expectations and prepare for various scenarios.

“How do you maintain confidentiality and privacy?”

  • Confidentiality is of utmost importance when dealing with sensitive matters like substance abuse.
  • Discuss the interventionist’s approach to confidentiality, and privacy, and the steps they take to protect the participants’ personal information.
  • Ensure they adhere to ethical guidelines and laws related to privacy in their practice.

Choosing the right substance use interventionist is a critical step in helping someone struggling with addiction find the path to recovery. By asking these essential questions, you can gain valuable insights into an interventionist’s qualifications, approach, and support systems. Remember that finding the right fit may take some time and consideration, so don’t hesitate to interview multiple interventionists before deciding. With the guidance of a skilled interventionist, you can provide your loved one with the necessary support and resources to embark on a journey toward a healthier, substance-free life. If your loved one is ready to seek treatment following your intervention, call us at 800.556.2966 for more information on our intensive outpatient program!

Written by Jennifer Lopes, BS Psy