Complete Guide Behavior Addictions Georgia

The Complete Guide to Behavioral Addictions

The Complete Guide to Behavioral Addictions

 Centered Recovery is here to help you with our complete guide to behavioral addictions so you can seek help before behaviors consume your life entirely. Remember – behavioral addictions may not involve substances, but their impact can be just as destructive.

We have a best friend, and let’s call her Sarah. Generally, Sarah fills her days with trying on outfits she loves and treating herself for her hard work after a long work week. She is bursting with joy and she deserves it, right? However, as the weeks pass, Sarah’s shopping takes a destructive turn. Sarah is spending more and more money, dedicates all her time to her shopping sprees, and struggles to resist the temptation of buying everything in sight. Without being aware of it, Sarah has developed what is called a behavioral addiction to shopping. This story serves as an important reminder of the ease with which our behaviors can become unhealthy and damage our well-being.

Shopping Behavioral Addiction Treatment Atlanta Georgia

What Are Behavioral Addictions?

Let’s break down exactly what a behavioral addiction is, because some of you may not be aware of what they are! Behavioral addictions, also known as process addictions, involve compulsive behaviors and habits that people continue to engage in despite negative life consequences. It may be difficult to understand how behaviors can become addictive, especially without any background in how this happens in the brain.

Behaviors that make us feel good and happy activate our brain’s reward system. This means that we feel good, happy chemicals when this behavior happens. Then the cycle begins of craving that feeling again, indulging in the behavior again, and the habit becomes reinforced. This process is extremely similar to how substance addictions happen! The main difference is that substances are involved in those addictions, whereas processes are involved in behavioral addictions. The main good, happy chemical that is released when a person engages in their behavioral addiction is dopamine. Overall, dopamine plays a key role in our motivation and pleasure. So, when dopamine is released when a person acts on their behavior, it creates that happy feeling, making the action repeat and repeat. The more often a person continues that behavior, the more the brain adapts to its exposure, which creates the feeling of dependency and cravings for more.

Behavioral Addictions and the Brain

Want to know what’s even more interesting about how the brain and behavioral addictions relate? Studies using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) have shown that the brain functions similarly when comparing those with behavioral addictions compared to substance addictions. However, there are differences to be aware of! The biggest difference is the lack of a psychoactive substance within the body. The addiction is rooted in a certain behavior, such as shopping in our scenario with Sarah earlier. Another difference is the way that these addictions can develop. We have the understanding that people may have genetic and biological predispositions to certain addictions, the environmental factors can play differing roles. Some aspects of behavioral addictions can start from levels of peer pressure, cultural norms, or even just activities that are meant to be lighthearted and fun. 

At the end of the day, an addiction is an addiction – and we are here to help you gain back control of the mental and physical chains that you are experiencing, regardless of what your addiction is. The way that behavioral and substance addictions work in the brain is highly similar, and various treatment philosophies are widely available to help tackle your most difficult behaviors!

Gambling Behavioral Addiction Treatment Atlanta Georgia

Common Types of Behavioral Addictions

Let’s go over some of the most common types of behavioral addictions and how each can manifest in addictive ways! 

Gambling Addiction

Gambling addiction happens when gambling behavior despite negative consequences continues. This addiction may involve the intense urge to gamble, leading to excessive spending of time and money on gambling. The anticipation and thrill of winning a bet can reinforce the addictive behavior, even when it leads to financial losses and other negative impacts.

Gaming Addiction

Gaming addiction includes any gaming behavior, particularly in video games or online gaming. Oftentimes, these people may spend hours immersed in gaming activities, neglecting other responsibilities such as work, school, and relationships. The interactive nature of gaming, along with the sense of achievement with social connections can contribute to the development of gaming addiction. 

Internet Addiction

Internet addiction involves excessive use of the internet and compulsive use of smartphones or other digital devices. Those with internet addiction can have withdrawal symptoms when offline, leading to a constant need to stay connected and engaged online. The ease of access to online content and the instant gratification it offers can lead to this growing addiction. Many times, this addiction can be seen in adolescents and young individuals who have been exposed to a large amount of time on the internet.

Shopping Addiction

Shopping addiction, or compulsive buying disorder, involves just that – compulsive and excessive shopping behavior. The act of shopping may help to alleviate negative emotions, seek excitement, or fulfill a sense of emptiness. Most times, the feeling of acquiring new items can provide a temporary mood boost. Then, the cycle of compulsive buying and accumulating possessions continues, even when it results in financial problems and cluttered living spaces.

Food Addiction

Food addiction involves compulsive and unhealthy eating behaviors. Individuals with this addiction may experience cravings and loss of control over their eating. When these feelings happen, it can lead to binge eating episodes and feelings of guilt or shame. The pleasurable sensations and emotional factors that contribute to food addiction, such as stress or boredom, can contribute to its development.

Now, these are just a few examples of behavioral addictions, but there are others as well! Some others can include sex and love addiction, exercise addiction, and work addiction. Each type of addiction can present differently from person to person, but they all share a common pattern of compulsive behavior and difficulty in controlling impulses, despite negative consequences.

Gaming Internet Behavioral Addiction Treatment Atlanta Georgia

The Impact of Behavioral Addictions

Some people may think that behavioral addictions are as simple as just removing the behavior from their lives, right? Well, it’s not that simple sometimes. Think about it this way – can you tell someone with a food addiction to just stop eating? Not exactly because we need to eat to live! The impact that behavioral addictions can have on a person’s life can spread out into many different areas of their lives. Behavioral addictions can affect not only a person’s mental health, but their physical health, finances, and relationships, for example. Here are some ways to understand how behavioral addictions can impact a person’s well-being and life.

Physical Health

Depending on the type of behavioral addiction, there can be physical health problems that occur. Those who struggle with food addiction may have health issues such as obesity, heart disease, diabetes, or other health conditions. Those with internet or gaming addiction may have eyestrain, headaches, or muscular impairments due to prolonged sitting and screen time. When individuals are struggling with behavioral addictions, neglecting self-care can happen all too easily and treatment can help to alleviate some of these concerns over time.

Mental Health

Most times, behavioral addictions can be linked to mental health problems like anxiety, depression, or low self-esteem. Since these addictions are compulsive in nature, they can further create feelings of guilt, shame, or hopelessness. The continued behavior and inability to stop can worsen mental health issues and even impact a person’s ability to function daily.

Financial Problems

Generally, behavioral addictions often lead to financial concerns due to the excessive spending of money. Often, this can be seen with gambling or shopping addictions. Extreme cases may involve large debts and even bankruptcy. Many people may struggle with basic expenses such as housing, bills, and groceries, which can make the anxiety and depression surrounding this behavior worsen. See how the cycle continues? It’s a vicious one to break!

Social and Relationship Problems

Behavioral addictions can strain relationships with family members, friends, and romantic partners. Those with addictions may withdraw from social activities and isolate themselves to engage in their addictive behaviors. Generally, it can be hard for those in their lives to understand this type of response and may lead to resentment from loved ones who may feel neglected or abandoned. Trust issues may also arise, particularly if addictive behaviors involve secrecy or dishonesty, which they often do.

Occupational and Academic Issues

Behavioral addictions can interfere with fulfilling responsibilities at work or school. Excessive gaming, internet use, or gambling can lead to absenteeism, poor performance, and conflicts with supervisors or teachers.

Loss of Interest in Other Hobbies

As addiction consumes more time and energy, individuals may lose interest in activities they once enjoyed. Hobbies and interests will tend to take a backseat to the addictive behavior, leading to less enjoyment in life. 

Food Addiction Binge Eating Behavioral Treatment Atlanta Georgia

How To Know When Behavioral Addictions Are A Problem

Distinguishing between occasional overindulgence and a behavioral addiction can be challenging, but several signs may indicate a problem. Here are some main signs to watch out for:

  • Loss of Control: One of the hallmark signs of addiction is the inability to control the behavior despite repeated attempts to do so. If you find yourself repeatedly engaging in the behavior despite wanting to stop or cut back.
  • Preoccupation and Obsession: If the behavior occupies a significant amount of your thoughts and you find yourself constantly thinking about when you can engage in it next.
  • Negative Consequences: If the behavior leads to negative consequences in various areas of your life such as relationships, work or school performance, finances, or physical and mental health.
  • Withdrawal Symptoms: Experiencing withdrawal symptoms when you’re unable to engage in the behavior. These symptoms can be physical, psychological, or emotional and may include irritability, anxiety, restlessness, cravings, or mood swings.
  • Tolerance: Developing tolerance to the behavior, meaning that you need to engage in it more frequently or for longer durations to achieve the same level of satisfaction or relief.
  • Continued Engagement Despite Negative Consequences: Persisting with the behavior despite being aware of its negative consequences.
  • Attempts to Cut Back or Quit Unsuccessful: If you’ve tried to cut back or quit the behavior on your own but have been unsuccessful.

If you recognize several of these signs in yourself or someone else, it may be time to seek help from a healthcare professional or addiction treatment center. They can complete a detailed assessment and recommend appropriate treatment options tailored to your specific needs!

Treatment for Behavioral Addictions Near Me Georgia

Treatment for Behavioral Addictions

If you identify with any of the signs of behavioral addiction above, don’t worry! We are here to let you know your options for support through treatment. Luckily, there are plenty of treatment options for those seeking help with their behavioral addiction. Some are more intensive than others and the type of treatment you may choose should fit with your goals! Let’s dive into some ways that you may want to explore treatment.

Therapy and Counseling

Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is often used to treat behavioral addictions. This therapy helps individuals identify and change unhealthy thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors related to their addiction. Other types of therapy, such as motivational interviewing, dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), and group therapy, may also be beneficial.

Support Groups

Joining support groups such as Gamblers Anonymous, Overeaters Anonymous, or other addiction recovery groups can provide valuable peer support! Sharing experiences and coping strategies with others who understand what you’re going through can be empowering and motivating.

Inpatient Treatment

For individuals with severe behavioral addictions or co-occurring mental health disorders, inpatient treatment programs may be recommended. Inpatient facilities provide a structured environment where individuals receive intensive therapy, medical supervision, and support from trained professionals. These programs typically last several weeks to months, depending on individual needs.

Outpatient Treatment

For those with less time available, outpatient treatment programs offer flexibility for individuals who don’t require 24-hour supervision but still need structured support and therapy. Generally, outpatient programs typically involve attending therapy sessions several times a week, either individually or in group settings. This allows individuals to continue their daily activities while receiving treatment.

Holistic Approaches

Holistic approaches such as mindfulness meditation, yoga, art therapy, and exercise can complement traditional treatment methods by promoting relaxation, stress reduction, and overall well-being. These practices can help individuals develop healthier coping mechanisms and reduce the likelihood of relapse.

Family Therapy

Involving family members in the treatment process can be beneficial, especially if addiction has strained relationships or caused family conflict. Family therapy helps improve communication, rebuild trust, and strengthen support networks, fostering a supportive environment for recovery.

Addiction Support Near Me Georgia

Support for Behavioral Addictions

If you are looking for extra support during your treatment and recovery journey, there are an endless amount of options for behavioral addictions!

Support Groups

A major key in recovery is connection, especially with those who understand you! Support groups specifically intended for certain behavioral additions are a great place to find connection and support through this change. Here are some groups that are established and easy to find online to get you started in your search:

  • Gamblers Anonymous (GA): A fellowship of individuals who share their experiences, and strengths, and hope to help each other recover from gambling addiction.
  • Overeaters Anonymous (OA): A support group for individuals with compulsive eating behaviors, including binge eating, emotional eating, and food addiction.
  • Shopaholics Anonymous (SA): A fellowship for individuals struggling with compulsive shopping and overspending behaviors.
  • Online Gamers Anonymous (OLGA): A support group for individuals dealing with gaming addiction and excessive gaming behaviors.

Hotlines and Helplines

There are plenty of toll-free hotlines and helplines to take advantage of when you need additional or immediate support! Trained professionals are available to provide support, information, and referrals for those with behavioral addictions. These hotlines are typically available 24/7 and offer confidential support. Here are some examples!

  • National Council on Problem Gambling Helpline: 1-800-522-4700
  • National Eating Disorders Association Helpline: 1-800-931-2237
  • National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-TALK (8255)

Online Resources

A handful of reputable online resources and websites are dedicated to providing information and self-help tools for those in their recovery journey. Whether the information you are looking for is for you or a loved one, there are plenty of resources to take advantage of. You can start your search with these websites below for some ideas!

  • The National Center for Responsible Gaming (NCRG) Website
  • The National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA) Website
  • The Recovery Village Website

Therapists and Counselors

Sometimes, seeking professional help from therapists or counselors specializing in addiction and behavioral health can be a game-changer! Licensed professionals who have specialties in behavioral addictions can provide personalized support and guidance. Whether it is through individual counseling or group therapy, they can offer specialized treatment approaches tailored to your specific needs and circumstances.

Remember – seeking help for behavioral addictions is a courageous and empowering step toward recovery! Regardless of where you seek support, there are resources available to help you overcome your addiction and regain control of your life. Centered Recovery staff is here to help you, too!

Addiction Recovery Freedom Georgia

How Centered Can Help With Your Behavioral Addiction

At Centered Recovery Programs in the heart of Roswell, Georgia, our staff is dedicated to helping all our clients – regardless of the addiction that may have brought them to our facility.

Our treatment philosophy is based on the premise that addiction is not a simple disease with a one-size-fits-all treatment regimen, but rather a culmination of habitual choices that affect all systems in the body: physical, mental, and emotional. Our strong psycho-educational program helps people understand how the cycle of addiction works and allows them to free themselves from it. We educate our clients with a research-based, scientifically grounded curriculum designed to illuminate the mental and emotional processes that work behind the scenes in all addiction, and we don’t label or judge our clients as “addicted” or “broken” because we truly believe everyone has the potential to live a healthy and happy life.

If you are seeking outpatient treatment for your behavioral addiction or mental health concerns, call our admissions team today at 800-5560-2966! Our mindfulness program is life-changing and can enrich every aspect of your life. The gift of long-term recovery is only a small piece of what you get with mindful living. It will enrich your family and friends’ relationships, your work life, and your personal life. Are you ready to get started?

Written by Jennifer Lopes, BS Psy