In Person and Virtual IOP

Virtual and In Person IOP at Centered

As the Covid-19 pandemic continues to drag on, many people in the metro Atlanta area have found a need for additional support for alcohol and substance addiction issues. Job loss, being cut off from loved ones, and other stressors can be tough to face alone.  Those who may have found it too difficult to bear may have turned to alcohol or other substances to find relief. Centered Recovery continues to provide the best Intensive Outpatient Program for Georgia clients, with both in person and virtual IOP options. 

Live, In Person IOP Groups

We know that some clients crave human interaction. Some need to feel the “vibe” of the room and those around them to truly feel supported and make progress in their addiction recovery process. That’s why all of our IOP groups are offered in person throughout the week with both morning and evening hours to accommodate almost any schedule. Our locations are clean, comfortable, and as safe as we can make them. We have regular cleanings by professional staff, increased disinfectant measures, and enhanced safety precautions throughout.

Professional Virtual IOP Groups

There are some clients who need support for addiction, but may not able to make it to in-person IOP groups. Perhaps they or someone they love is at added risk for health issues at this time. Maybe their work schedule doesn’t allow the time needed to commute to and attend a program. Whatever the reason, Centered Recovery began offering virtual IOP groups in January of 2019. These are streamed with high quality camera and microphone equipment.  Even from home, you feel like you’re right next to the facilitator. You can access the same quality content and discussions of our IOP program, right from your own home! 

Caring Clinicians

Our clinicians know that clients need strong, caring support now more than ever. All of our licensed clinicians offer their services virtually via a completely secure connection when it is most convenient for you. They strive to provide meaningful treatment plans and objectives for our clients. No one is just “checking a box” to get you through treatment. Family counseling sessions are not just available, they are encouraged. Individual counseling is the perfect complement to the best IOP program in Georgia!

If you’re ready to take the next step in your recovery process, call Reed at 800.556.2966 for more information.