There may occasionally be a need to receive services virtually through our Telehealth system. Illness, child care, traveling within the state of Georgia, and work scheduling are some common reasons that our clients choose to use Telehealth services at Centered. Centered Recovery has a BAA with the online virtual platform Zoom, which means that it is HIPPA compliant. However, there are still limitations to privacy and the following terms of service apply should you choose to connect to our staff via virtual means.

Keep in mind, if you need additional privacy, you may choose to use a unique name in the Zoom Groups. Simply inform your admissions counselor of the unique name you will be using so that they can update the attendance roster and inform the facilitators.

  • Zoom Group Participants: Hosts and other participants in a meeting may be able to see your email, display name, and profile picture.  Meeting hosts and participants can also see and (depending on the account owner’s settings) record or save meeting content, audio transcripts, messages sent to Everyone or to them directly, and files, whiteboards, or other information shared during a meeting.  Hosts may also be able to see responses to Q&A and polls generated during the meeting. There is to be no recording of the group by any member of the group other than the Host. The Host has a responsibility to ensure that any/all Zoom recordings remain confidential, are not broadcast to anyone who was not present, and/or do not contain any identifying characteristics which could endanger the privacy of any participant of the group. Any recordings are principally made for the training purposes of facilitators, however, excerpts of the talk may be shared only if the excerpt contains solely audio/video from the Host and no other group participants are visible or audible in the excerpt.
  • Webinar Panelists and Attendees:  Only panelists may be visible to attendees during a webinar, but attendees who agree to unmute can be heard by other attendees.  If an attendee agrees to become a panelist during a webinar, they may be visible to other attendees, depending on settings.  Panelists and attendees may be able to see the name of a participant who asks a question during a Q&A, along with their question, unless the participant submits the question anonymously.

For Individual counseling done virtually via Zoom, please remember that while we will make every effort to ensure that your information is kept private on our end, it is your duty to ensure privacy where you are. Choose a comfortable space where you can speak freely without anyone interrupting or overhearing. You may choose to use earbuds or a sound machine to further privatize your meeting. Your individual sessions are not recorded on either end, but your therapist may make notes from the virtual session just as if you were meeting in person.


If you choose to enter the Zoom group or individual session, you understand that it is your responsibility to maintain privacy for yourself and/or others within the meeting. You agree that you will not record, photograph, or otherwise save the meeting video, audio, or information shared within the group or individual meeting. You accept responsibility for ensuring that the space you are connecting to the virtual group or individual meeting is private and that no other person(s) may overhear or participate in the group or individual discussion.