Recovery Coaches Alpharetta

Looking for a Recovery Coach?

Recovery Coaches Serving Alpharetta

Are you looking for a recovery coach that works with clients in Alpharetta, Roswell, Sandy Springs, or Milton, GA? What even is a recovery coach? Recovery coaches, also known as peer support specialists, help clients by providing solutions-based support to those in recovery from substance abuse, eating disorders, and a few other mental health conditions. Recovery coaches do not diagnose clients or provide medical treatment, but a recovery coach can be an invaluable asset in helping clients create a plan of action or finding resources for their particular needs. So who are the top rated recovery coaches serving the Metro Atlanta area? Here are three:

Top Recovery Coaches

  • Allison Broderick (The Recovery Coach) — 

From her website: They assist clients in learning — and implementing — important life skills in recovery. Taking a holistic, client-centered approach, The Recovery Coach creates an individualized recovery plan following the initial complimentary consultation. They do not promote a particular method of recovery; instead, they determine the needs of each client and together, set realistic goals. The Recovery Coach is proudly affiliated with Atlanta Center for Wellness (AC4W). Established out of a need for collaborative, holistic, integrative mental health care in Atlanta, Ga., Atlanta Center for Wellness provides specialized mental health and wellness services for individuals, families and couples on an outpatient basis.

  • Heather Hayes — 

From her website: Their experienced recovery coaches can help you or your loved one practice critical life skills, cope with difficult situations, and learn relapse prevention techniques and offer extra support when needed. They help identify and address potential challenges in early recovery and help your loved one set short and long-term recovery goals to support sustainable success in their community. Heather R. Hayes & Associates’ recovery coaches provide mentoring and education, teach relationship building and solutions-orientated problem-solving techniques, and serve as the individual’s advocate and support team during recovery. Additionally, coaches can help identify recovery resources and other health and well-being promoting activities that will keep you or your loved one sober and healthy.

  • Dr. Cali Estes —

From her website: Cali’s multidimensional approach focuses on the underlying root cause of the addiction and she approaches each client in a unique manner. With over 23 years’ experience as an Addiction Professional, Life Coach, Recovery Coach, Addictions Coach, and Wellness Coach, Dr. Estes is currently serving as a private practitioner working with a broad spectrum of clients. Cali’s multidimensional approach focuses on getting to the underlying cause of the problem and working in the present to combat the issues by creating a safe and secure environment for her clients to learn and grow and tackle life challenges.

Recovery from every angle

Recovery from addiction issues can be a daunting process. Studies show that the greatest success in recovery happens when a person takes a holistic approach–that is, looks at their addiction from every angle. This means taking an honest inventory of your lifestyle, including nutrition, sleep habits, peer groups, work environments, and family health as a whole. Recovery coaches can be an important part of this process! If you’re ready to begin your new life and want something other than the traditional 12 steps, call Centered Recovery to see if our mindfulness-based program of Interpersonal NeuroBiology is the right fit for you! Call 800-556-2966 today!